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Bushfires in Australia STOP!

What a terrible time it has been,

Strong pouring rain we’ve hardly seen,

This dry grass rarely ever turns green,

And the air we breathe is hardly clean.

I’ve never seen anything like this before,

Thousands of homes destroyed as if in war,

A billion animals dead, lying on the floor,

Firefighters who may never return to their door.

For while they were on duty, they sadly passed away,

Others died too, as the fires blocked their way.

How does one choose whether to leave or stay?

From this day, I say, believers, let’s continue to pray.

This is beyond us all; your support is deeply appreciated,

Thank you to everyone who has reached out and donated.

Out of kindness and love, because no one is obligated,

Let’s ensure these losses in history are never calculated.

Like fog, the smoke has covered the mountains too long,

Firefighters long to see their loved ones, where they belong.

Aussies, let’s support each other, stay strong,

We look forward to the day we’ll sing a victory song.


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